Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fun times

They both love this bike that they call the Harley!

Waitng for Liza in the tub - they wanted to give her a fright!

Jordy got hold of some lipstick!
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  1. Well it is a nice shade! Jordy, you chose well, just a bit of fine-tuning on the positioning of lipstick!

    (I thought that you were going to say Callyn & jordy were asleep in the washing basket!!)

    Love Harley!

  2. i think Jordy, Abby and Jubi are going to get on really well as Jordy loves girly stuff - jewelery, make up and pretty clothes!

    And Callyn and the boys should have fun doing all the boy things - he loves wrestling as he enjoys the physical contact! But he also likes riding bikes and playing with balls!
