Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A day full of accidents

I always put both kids in a trolley or the pram if we are at a shopping centre because of all the scares of kids being stolen so today I had to go to the post office at Northridge Mall. When we were going back to the car both kids moved to the one side of the trolley and it tipped over but we were walking next to a bakkie so the kids landed against the bakkie whilst still in the trolley. I couldn't get it upright and it slowly started slipping down squashing the kids between the door and the trolley - just their legs were still in the trolley and their backs were against the door. They started screaming (I think everyone in the parking lot heard them!) and the harder I tried to pull up the trolley, the more it slipped. A lady saw what was happening and grabbed Jordy out and I grabbed Callyn. She immediately gave Jordy to me so I could comfort her so I had both kids in my arms and they were going ballistic, screaming "I want my Daddy!" Both of them were hysterical and screaming for their Daddy! I felt like such a bad mom as they didn't want me!

Anyway, I quickly put them in the car so that the noise wouldn't be so bad . Callyn must have got something bashed into his face as it started swelling just under his eye but Jordy was fine, just shocked. When we got home Callyn sat with ice in a dish towel on his face for about 45 minutes and it seems to have helped.

Then later this afternoon when the kids were riding, Callyn fell twice on his knees, so you can imagine how he performed when it was bathtime!

Earlier on Jordy rode straight into the brick pillar but luckily she had on her helmet so she bounced off the pillar and only had a scraped finger! So we went through quite a few plasters today and lots of hugs and cuddles!

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1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about the accident at the mall. It must have been frightening for all three of you. Callyn looks so sad. (I'm sure he'll be as right as rain in no time!)
