Yesterday afternoon the kids went to Meggie's house to play so I made a date with Donovan to have coffee / hot chocolate at the Mall. We had a great time and browsed around the shops in peace!
In the meanwhile the kids decided that they wanted to sleep over so I took them their blankies, dummy and pj's and then we waited for the call to fetch Callyn! We decided to eat out so went to Jimmy's Prawns for some seafood and then we drove around in the Porshe and stopped at another place for some hot drinks. Still no call......
So we went home and on the way Ansie phoned to say that all 4 kids were asleep!!!! I was astounded! So we went home and I had a nice bubble bath, all to myself! The house was so quiet! I woke up at 7 am this morning - the latest I have slept in years!!!!! Ansie sent an sms to say that our kids slept through and woke up at 6am. They dropped Callyn off at about 8:15 and Donovan and Callyn and a friend have gone off to the movies! Jordy wanted to go to the gym with Ansie and family so off she went! I feel lost at home without the kids but it is nice and peaceful!
Now I had better fetch my angel!
We trust that you guys enjoyed your date & timeout from the kids. These times are so special in our married lives Kerry, & our son is extremely blessed to have a wife who makes them happen. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mom! Well you said I can't give him back after we got married so I guess I have to make the most of it!
ReplyDeleteI'm only joking - he's so good to me and the kids!