Saturday, November 17, 2007

Callyn had a combined party with Cara today and we had it at Elephant Rock. It is a lovely smallholding with animals to feed, a puppet show, trampoline, horse rides and a huge sandpit with jungle gyms! The kids and adults had a lot of fun and best of all.... I didn't have to do a thing! The party boxes and food for the parents was all made for us and so I could enjoy myself and chat to friends. I didn't even have to clean up!

We had a sea theme and this was the cake - note the 2 and 3 candles!

Birthday Boy! (Well only on the 2nd of December so should we say "party boy")

Daddy and his special little girl!
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  1. Glad it went well, Kerry! What a lot of presents!
    I remember ours crying at candle blowing time...he'll grow out of it! Adam was fine this year :o)

  2. Funny how it takes real co-ords to blow out candles though. There is a fine line between waiting too long and having a very slobbery cake! Looks like such fun!

  3. I never eat kiddies birthday cake! That slobber just grosses me out!
