Friday, June 25, 2010

Cyd, Callyn and Scott had fun with the hamsters!

Michele Levin and I were at school together from Std 2 until matric and we've only seen each other once since then! Michele and her family came to stay from Monday night until Thurs lunch time and we had such fun catching up! Cyd (4) and Jordy played beautifully and Scott and Callyn had fun on the computer and watched DVDs! Michele and her family went to watch SA play France on Tuesday!
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Veld fire

Donovan took Callyn on a spin on his bike this arvie and they spent most of the time watching a fire! Callyn looks pretty scary with the fire coming out of his head in this one!

He was fascinated!

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

So have you been watching this space?

Yes, we got 2 baby hamsters today!!!!

I went grocery shopping and after shopping at Pick 'n Pay and Woolies, I stopped off at the pet shop and they had baby hamsters - the dwarf kind just like Meggies! So I bought a cage, food, cotton wool stuff, hamster litter and of course 2 hamsters! They are sooooo cute! Donovan assembled the cage with the help of a very excited little boy!

Callyn calls them his twins! One is Jordy's but she is a bit scared to hold her. She strokes her but doesn't want those ticklish feet on her hands!

Lots of kisses for his babies!

The cage and playground!

Granny and Grandpa, I hope you don't mind the twins coming to stay as well?
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Jordy fell going up the stairs at Honda today. She cried quite a bit but half an hour later she was fine! She didn't need stitches or a steri strip as it wasn't that deep!
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Friday, June 18, 2010

Those vuvuzelas!

Donovan came home with 2 huge vuvuzelas for the kids -now I need ear plugs!

Yes, it is winter and about minus 2 degrees when this was taken but Jordy doesn't seem to notice!

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010


All these photos are taken at speed!

She's giving us grey hairs with these tricks as she is moving pretty fast!

Callyn is doing amazing tricks on his bike too!
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My little model~ she dressed herself again!

Tricks on the bobbi board!

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Our week

Callyn received a certificate at Kindermusic as he going to the next class. He was sooooo shy and very upset to have his photo taken!

We bought a box of art supplies and had fun making a few things!

The finished product!

My beautiful son
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Soccer Fever!

We got into the spirit of things on Friday afternoon and joined a few people from our church to watch the soccer at Mizpah Lodge!

Don't you love the old mini! I want one for our garden!

This is Hammy. He belongs to Meggie and Callyn is looking after him for the week while they are on holiday! He adores this hamster and has spent almost every waking hour today playing with him! Poor hamster will need a good rest tonight. Callyn is really gentle with him and not at all scared! So being Callyn, you can imagine what they got up to today - Hammy has been on the toy motorbike, Honda truck, duplo aeroplane, doctors trolley, on Callyn's head, up his sleeve etc etc!

Jordy likes to look at the hamster but is terrified of holding it. She progressed to holding him with oven gloves but he crawled up her arm and she went ballistic!

There are going to be quite a few tears next week when he has to give him this space!
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cell phone pics!

Daddy's biker girl!

A fun afternoon with mom at the driving range! (We need some tips, Grandpa E - otherwise known as Grandpa India!)

Jordy wanted to help Callyn with his Maths - and she actually did as she can count in 10's and can add 1 to any number under 10! He was being really lazy as he can easily do this too!
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Another movie of Jordy at ballet! Sorry about poor picture quality but I forgot to take my camera so I used my cell phone!

Open Day at Ballet

Jordy had open day at ballet today. She didn't want me to watch her and was in tears about performing. Anyway after a long chat and a few bribes, she agreed to do just one dance! So she happily went into class and did her dance and then another and another......and actually managed to complete the entire class! I am so proud of her!