Saturday, June 19, 2010

So have you been watching this space?

Yes, we got 2 baby hamsters today!!!!

I went grocery shopping and after shopping at Pick 'n Pay and Woolies, I stopped off at the pet shop and they had baby hamsters - the dwarf kind just like Meggies! So I bought a cage, food, cotton wool stuff, hamster litter and of course 2 hamsters! They are sooooo cute! Donovan assembled the cage with the help of a very excited little boy!

Callyn calls them his twins! One is Jordy's but she is a bit scared to hold her. She strokes her but doesn't want those ticklish feet on her hands!

Lots of kisses for his babies!

The cage and playground!

Granny and Grandpa, I hope you don't mind the twins coming to stay as well?
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  1. Not at all!! We look forward to meeting them. We'll just have to keep them away from Candy! She will probably think they are rats.

  2. Very impressive "sleeping/playing quarters" for these two pets.

  3. Oh yes, I forgot about Candy. We'll have to put them high up, maybe on the dining room table!
