Saturday, June 12, 2010

Soccer Fever!

We got into the spirit of things on Friday afternoon and joined a few people from our church to watch the soccer at Mizpah Lodge!

Don't you love the old mini! I want one for our garden!

This is Hammy. He belongs to Meggie and Callyn is looking after him for the week while they are on holiday! He adores this hamster and has spent almost every waking hour today playing with him! Poor hamster will need a good rest tonight. Callyn is really gentle with him and not at all scared! So being Callyn, you can imagine what they got up to today - Hammy has been on the toy motorbike, Honda truck, duplo aeroplane, doctors trolley, on Callyn's head, up his sleeve etc etc!

Jordy likes to look at the hamster but is terrified of holding it. She progressed to holding him with oven gloves but he crawled up her arm and she went ballistic!

There are going to be quite a few tears next week when he has to give him this space!
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  1. ha ha

    you will succumb.....


    Gorgeous pics. love your artistic shots!

    b e a u t i f u l


    Archer was getting some ideas when he saw your children doing their bobbi board tricks! He was very impressed!
    he goes so fast on that thing all over town with me... speed has been his focus but I fear he may be trying tricks now... :o)

  2. Hee, hee! Will try to make a video too then just for Archer!

    And off to the pet shop tomorrow!

    Oh and I'm drinking chocolate horlics with marshmallows on the top at the moment- don't know why I told you that but it's soooo yummy!
