Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Good Friends!

One morning, Callyn decided that Jordy needed to sleep in his bed so he closed all the curtains, lifted her up onto his bed, fetched her dummy and blankie and told me Jordy must "Sleep tight"! He lay next to her and covered her up, popped the dummy in and told her to lie still and sleep! Of course she thought this was a game and laughed at him!!!!

Callyn loves taking Jordy for rides but I am not allowed to hold her anymore. I hover behind to catch her if there is a problem but so far, strangely enough, she hasn't fallen out!

Off they go through the pool room.....

And stop for a quick pic.....
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  1. Coll bike - is that like a police flashing light on the top?

    Very cool, guys!

  2. Yes, but we haven't put batteries in - could you imagine the noise!

  3. They look like good friends!

    (Cool - not coll)
