Sunday, June 8, 2008

Funny Boy

Tonight, Donovan put Callyn to sleep at 6:20 and Natasha and Marius arrived at the same time. We made waffles and sat eating and chatting in the kitchen. At about 7:30 we heard a noise in my office so I peeped around the corner and saw Callyn pulling up his little chair at his computer and playing with the mouse. I crept in and saw that he was typing letters in word! I asked him what he had been doing and he said that he had been playing in our room. I went in and saw that he had been fiddling with a few things but then I saw his light on. On closer inspection I saw that he had been really busy in his room! Most of his books (and he has quite a few) were on his bed or the floor! So I don't think he slept at all but he was soooo quiet no one heard him! And he had been awake since 5am this morning! Anyway, he wanted to watch the GP with Donovan ......

and he watched for about 15 minutes and fell asleep....

so innocent!
(Note his precious blankie is still around!)
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1 comment:

  1. I am soooo frustrated lately because we keep losing things in the house - dummy, bum cream, sipper cup, chargers etc. I know they are here but where???? The worst is when we can't find blankie but callyn usually knows where he has left it!
