Sunday, July 20, 2008

A fun day outside

Callyn took both tortoises for rides in the wheelbarrow today!

Then it was a ride in the truck.....

And what a clever way to get them out!

Jordy climbs up the ladder and slides down by herself now!
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  1. Well.....yes. I think they like it because when we go outside the big one, Torty, always comes running (yes, running) out to play and climbs all over us if we sit down!

  2. Looking at Jordy on the slide made mw wonder if Torty had had the pleasure of being on the slide?

  3. Now don't go putting ideas into Callyn's head!!!! He would do that if I told him of your idea!!!

  4. So today Torty was put on the trampoline but luckily no one jumped. Callyn and his 3 friends just sat and watched him walk to the edge and then they took him off!
