Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pizza and Chocolate

We had a pizza party on Tuesday with Callyn, Meggie, Jordy and Abby. They had great fun making their own pizzas.....

and then eating them!!!

We let Callyn stay up a bit later tonight. I was spring cleaning the laundry area and kitchen and left Callyn watching a movie. When I went to check on him, this is what I found. He had swiped the chocolate from the table next to Donovan's couch and then he took it to his own lounge but he told me it was all his!

While I was cleaning him he told me it was "delicious"! I just couldn't be cross with him. He was just holding it and licking it!
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1 comment:

  1. Callyn, you tell your mom that your uncle Russell has the same weakness for pizza and chocolate - and probably also would have been caught red / brown-handed!
