Sunday, September 21, 2008

All dressed up!

On Thurday we went to the theatre to see Sleeping Beauty! Jordy had on her new dress from Nana and Grandpa and Callyn had on his favourite denims (Phoebe and Floyd) and his spiderman shirt! They both loved the show although Jordy was a bit wriggly. Callyn sat in a trance for an hour and told Jordy to shhhhh when she asked him for a cookie. I was really surprised that he enjoyed it so much because it was in Afrikaans but clearly he understands more than we think! When it finished he asked for it again!

Donovan drove one of our casuals at Kerdoni's and her boyfriend to her matric farewell. I have never seen him look so smart!

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  1. Eeash a wena!!
    Who's that dashing gentleman?
    Well done - what a lovely thing to do for her!

    Well done to the kids for sitting through the whole show. I remember one movie we went to that was terrible! Archer wanted everyone else's popcorn and Coke! Verrrry tricky. I guess he was a little too young at the time.
    Pretty dress, Jordy!

  2. Yes, I was very impressed with my hubby. He even went and bought black pants and a bow tie just for the occasion!

    Callyn is usually very good at movies and shows but Jordy is a bit young. She doesn't like watching TV at home but Callyn would watch all day if I let him!

    At least your older kids can go to movies alone!
