Monday, October 13, 2008

The Charging Tortoise!

When we brought Roxy home and took her into the garden, the big tortoise came out and started charging her!

He actually ran into her and pushed and shoved....

and she got such a fright, she jumped onto Callyn's lap!

A view from above.
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  1. That's amazing!
    I just love that pup! Reminds me of the litters we had as kids - and the downstairs room that became a pup room.

  2. Remember how sad we were when they got sold? That's why I don't think I could breed with Roxy! Roxy's owner was almost in tears when we left!

  3. I say it again... your son is so long now!
    he's changing before my eyes!
    he's grown to a new level of boy :o)
