Sunday, March 29, 2009

Our precious little girl

Dear Jody

Two years ago this evening, we were waiting for you to be born. We were so excited and couldn't wait but you were obviously quite happy inside and decided to wait a bit! We were so worried and it was such a stressful night. At about 1am on the 31st March, we rushed your tummy mommy to a big hospital as she was in so much pain and you were also getting a bit distressed. There, the doctors and nurses could monitor your heart beat and also give your tummy mommy something for the pain. She slept for a few hours and by 4am there was still no change so the doctors decided to do a C Section. I was so lucky to be invited into the theatre to see you being born. It was the most wonderful experience of my life. I actually saw the two doctors pull you out of the tummy. Your daddy heard you screaming and he was outside the theatre. I was allowed to touch you and talk to you while the nurse checked you and cleaned you up a bit and you stopped crying and gazed into my eyes. I fell in love with you then!

You have grown into such a sweet, lovable little girl and we all adore you. We love the way you clown around and make us laugh and we love the special bond you have with your brother, Callyn. I can't wait to celebarte your birthday with you tomorrow.

I love you lots
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1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post, Kerry!
    I've got wet eyes here in the office....

    A very precious girl indeed!
    A very precious family actually!

    I look forward to singing Jordy Happy Birthday tomorrow.
