Saturday, April 18, 2009


Yesterday Jordy was running outside and got knocked over by one of the dogs. She bled quite a bit from her mouth....

but I took her to Dieter (Meggie's dad) and he said she would be fine and didn't need stitches. She was such a brave little girl!

The boys rode their cars on the building site opposite Northridge Mall (Noordstad) today.

Oops - Callyn rode over his Dad's car! Luckily no damages!
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  1. Shame man!
    Jordy is putting on such a brave face. Can see there have been a few tears. Glad she is OK and not needing stitches!

    The boys in the meantime seem to be churning up a lot of dust!

  2. Jordy is so brave and her mouth has healed very well!

    Yesterday the boys went again but to a different place and the girls stayed at home and did girl things!
