Sunday, July 26, 2009


Every Sunday I make fried eggs on toast for Donovan and the kids so that they have full tummies for church and don't moan that they are hungry during the service or Sunday School! Theese eggs were paricularly big this morning - this is the biggest bauer pan and the pan was full!

The man in action after church!

Notice the number he chose - he will hopefully never forget my birthday now! Callyn's birthday is the 2nd of the 12th so it also applies to him!

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  1. Wow - he looks the part! And some serious air over those jumps! He must be loving it!!

    Cool number - amazing that you and Callyn both work off the 122.
    (sorry to be so absent the last while - a lot on the go...)

  2. Been busy with work? Is it still ok for the 10th Nov?
