Friday, September 10, 2010


I woke Callyn up at 6:10am this morning to take him to City Med to have his tonsils taken out! He was a bit tearful as we left but was a lot braver than I thought he would be! He was not too impressed with the hopsital gowns and underwear!

It took 12 second for him to fall asleep with the gas. In the end he was kicking and fighting the gas! We left when he was asleep and about 45 minutes later he was wheeled back into the ward.

He cried a lot when he started waking up. He was in a lot of pain and all he wanted to do was go home! When he was properly awake we gave him medicine, got him dressed and prepared to leave but the sister said he had to eat first. so while he was eating his icecream I ran downstairs to the pharmacy to get his medicines and Donovan sat with him. He wanted Daddy to drive him home so off they went in the Porsche and I met them at home. We just sat around watching TV and DVD's all day and he played his new car game on the computer. I have just put him to bed with a long story and he cuddled me so tightly until he fell asleep. Precious boy!
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  1. sorry Callyn
    hope you're feeling better today

    Kerry Joel said Jordy looks like a doll with her makeup :o)

  2. I can't bear to see my precious little boy like this! Trust our prayers have been answered and you are feeling much better already. We love you to the moon & back!!!!
