Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Two Favourite Toys!

These are my two favourite toys - My Kindle and My Blackberry!

And they are matching - I'm going through a pink phase which I guess is Jordy's influence.

I have had my kindle for a few months and I am loving it. I have read about 20 books. And Donovan surprised me with a Blackberry today! I have been trying to learn how to use it all afternoon! It is amazing!

So Moms can also have toys!
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  1. so cool!
    I've got a kindle on my wish list too!
    I've bought 3 kindle books and read them on kindle for PC.

    enjoy the Blackberry! I love the pink kindle cover. Is it leather?

  2. I don't know what happened to my reply to you so I'll try again.....

    Yes, I think the cover is leather as it smells like leather! It also has a pull out light for reading in the car when we leave in the dark to go on holiday!

    I also downloaded my Kindle onto my blackberry so if I forget my Kindle at home, I can read on my BB! Yay!
