Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sani 2C

 Just past Golden Gate

Howilck Falls
It was wash day at the top of the falls! Wouldn't like to be swimming in the river downstream!
Miss Jordyne!
 Khotso - the place where we stayed in Underberg for one night.

They fed Simon the friendly horse!

The kids loved the farm as there was so much space to run around!

Mr Organised, Hannes! Everything for each day was in a zip loc bag! 

 This was taken a few days before we left. Jordy loves to help in the kitchen!
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1 comment:

  1. Well done Donovan and well done to the support team too - Jordy great effort with the potatoes! Looks like an amazing ride. (When I was finishing off university, Ruth, me and five other guys rode from Pmb to Sani and back also sleeping in tents/friend's homes along the way. It was great fun.
    Love, boetie.
