Friday, January 2, 2009


Jordy got hold of a niggerball (or should I say "blackball") the other day, with rather messy results!

Fun with the Little People!

Bed head - before......

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  1. Kerry this girl gets more adorable by the day!! :o)

    Tim has a recent photo of Lawrence with the light through his blonde curls. He calls it Lawrence's angel hair. Jordy definitely has angel hair too!

  2. I like "angel hair"! We call it frizzy lizzy but I think I'll change to angel hair!

    We are so enjoying Jordy. She talks all the time and comes up with the funniest things. Today when Don told her he was going cycling she said, "NOT! Miss, sad , cry!"

    And Callyn is so affectionate and kind. He said Father Christmas didn't bring me any presents but I could share his!

  3. sweet :o)

    Kerry those old pics you emailed are incredible! Is that you? So much like Tye!!!
    What colour was your hair?

    (I can't email out hence writing here)

  4. Yes, it is me! When I saw the latest pics of Tye I remembered my old pics so got out the album and Don scanned them for me. And yes, my hair was red but more auburn when I was very small! Will send some colour pics of me when I was a few months older but I'll wait till Tye is the same age!
