Thursday, December 29, 2011



We had a fairly big dinner on Christmas Eve and then the leftovers on Christmas Day!


While I was cooking dinner on Christmas Eve, Donovan took his motorbike for a spin around the block as he hadn't ridden it for 5 months. He rode in a park down the road and some idiot turned off the road, ramped the pavenment and drove into the park (hundreds of people from the locations come and braai every weekend and public holidays). The gut didn't see Donovan so he had to swerve to miss him and he fell, luckily on the grass. When he got home I took him to casualty where he had x-rays taken, his ankle strapped up and his roastie cleaned and bandaged. We went back to the doctor yesterday and now he has his leg in a cast for 4 weeks. A bone chip as been pulled off by a ligament so keep things stable and for healing to occur faster, the cast was the best option!


The long awaited lego harbour!


They both got lilos as well!


Posted by Picasajordy got a little frying pan and spatula so she insisted on making pancakes!


  1. Merry Christmas!! Those are some cute pics. :) I hope that Donovan gets better soon!
    Lots of love, Tane ♥

  2. P.S. My Nana has a blog now... Would you like to check it out? here's the address:
    Tane x
