Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Water Babies

Today I got another grey hair! Jordy swam into the middle of the pool and I thought she would not be able to make it back to the side so I grabbed my cell phone out my pocket and prepared to jump in but she just took a big breath, turned around and swam back!

So I then managed to video her doing the same thing but across the pool!
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  1. wow she's amazing Kerry!
    (and Callyn ;o)

  2. whew I feel out of breath watching her!
    Archer asked how you have a swimming pool. I said it's in your garden.
    It's an unknown to him! Noone we know has a pool here!

    Now he wants to watch it again!


    (Archer tyled his name there)


    (and again :o)

  3. Well done , Archer! you're a clever boy!

    Tell Archer in a few years he and Adam can also fly to SA unaccompanied and see our pool!

  4. Well done Jordy!! Pleased to see Callyn in the pool again. (he must be feeling better) The past few days have been so hot I wished that we still had a pool in our garden! We had to stop halfway through our bowls game yesterday. (it was 34deg c) That's extreme for East london.
